Products, Services & Resources I Recommend
Hardware Wallets:
Ledger Nano X: Supports more ecosystems like Cosmos, Thorchain etc., native ETH staking, and gives you more freedom.
Trezor Safe 3- High level of quality, security and UX experience at great price.
In Trezor Store in you can buy also other nice accessories.
Exchanges & other useful services:
Kraken: One of the best exchanges in the world to buy crypto with FIAT, strong on privacy and security.
Kucoin - Great place for exotic coins, more under the radar compared to Binance, and overall very decent exprience. Use my link for 10% cashback!
Xapo Bank - Bitcoin-friendly bank! Lets you buy, sell, and spend bitcoins and stablecoins directly in ther app, and provides you with debit card (for non-EU residents for now).
Revolut - Your modern neobank, lets you buy stocks & crypto, at favorable rates.
Unstoppable Domains - Connect your web domain with your crypto wallets!
Etherfi - Good option for Liquid Restaking of Ether!
Startfleet - Set up your own company in the US!
Proton Mail, VPN & Drive - best encrypted email bundled with VPN and storage!
Masters in Digital Currencies & Blockchain by UNIC!
World's first full fledge MSc. program on crypto at the University of Nicosia. Can be done remotely, and features great professionsl from the field as well as many interesting and well structured topics! As a alumnus, and ambassador of the program, I highly recommend!
MOOC: Digital Currency by UNIC
World's first MOOC on Bitcoin and crypto that over the lat decade attracted over 100 000 students! Constantly updated, and really well structured and easy to comprehend! Highly recommended. It's probably the best source out there to get into crypto.
MOOC: NFTs & Metaverse by UNIC
Great course that dives deeper into NFTs and Metaverse! Taught by some of the most renowned experts in the field.
Academic Certificaiton Programs by UNIC
programs tailored for the needs of professionals, developers, & regulators. Use my code DAVIDSTANCEL25 to get 25% off the price!
Úvod do Kryptomien (Slovensky)
Ak neviete kde začať pri štúdiu krypomien, vytvoril som tento kruz práve pre Vás. Prevedie vás svetom kryptomien za 2 hodiny!
Ethereum,DeFi, NFT & Metaverse (Slovensky)
Ideálny kurz pre ľudí čo chcú pochopiť viac než len Bitcoin. A to hlavne Ethereum, svet decentralizovaných financií a NFTčka, a zároveň sa dozvedieť ako to všetko súvisí s Metaversom.
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